Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness:
We provide fitness classes for parents as well. Ninety minute sessions teach parents the value of incorporating the following physical fitness activities into their daily regimen: (1) cardio routines using jump rope, aerobics, line dancing and (2) resistance training using resistance balls, resistance bands, small hand weights and medicine balls and flexibility, muscle isolation, Pilates and yoga exercises.
Health Education Classes:
Comprehensive Diabetes Education- The goal of this program is to provide education and training for individuals with pre-diabetes (strong family history of diabetes with elevated blood sugars) and/or type 2 diabetes. The following information will be presented: what is diabetes, risk factors for developing diabetes, how to measure blood sugar at home, prevention, detection and management of diabetes complications, importance of diet, exercise and stress management, review of diabetes medications including insulin administration, use of health care systems and community resources. Participants are helped in developing their own individual management plan. A one-on-one session may be scheduled with a dietician or clinical pharmacist following this program for those individuals in need of more individual instruction and counseling. Group classes are 4 – 8 hours. Individual appointments are available
Introduction to Nutrition outlines the program goals, assists the students and their parents in setting their individual weight loss and physical activity goals; discusses food groups and portion sized and teaches the students and parent how to use their log books to document their experiences. Nutrition classes are 2-3 hours. Individual appointments are available.
Portion Power and Carbohydrate Pacing reviews the program goals; teaches the children and parents how to use pedometers and the exercise activity pyramid and assists the students and parents in indentifying carbohydrates and healthy carbohydrate portions.
Fat Grams teaches students and parents about fat and cholesterol, how to read nutrition labels, how to identify high-fat calories foods, and how much fat should be consumed as part of a healthy diet.
Sugar Grams teaches the students and parents how to identify different forms of sugar, determining the target level of sugar intake per day and identifying sugar content on food labels.
Cooking Healthy and Healthy Substitutes is a class that is designed to teach the students and their parents about the importance of fiber, what food has fiber and how to prepare healthy meals.
Portion Power and Carbohydrate Pacing reviews the program goals; teaches the children and parents how to use pedometers and the exercise activity pyramid and assists the students and parents in indentifying carbohydrates and healthy carbohydrate portions.
Fat Grams teaches students and parents about fat and cholesterol, how to read nutrition labels, how to identify high-fat calories foods, and how much fat should be consumed as part of a healthy diet.
Sugar Grams teaches the students and parents how to identify different forms of sugar, determining the target level of sugar intake per day and identifying sugar content on food labels.
Cooking Healthy and Healthy Substitutes is a class that is designed to teach the students and their parents about the importance of fiber, what food has fiber and how to prepare healthy meals.